Administrative question
- What are the steps to register to the next module?
- The tutors send an email to the coordination of the EEAILE telling us about the students that passed the module.
- The EEAILE coordination sends a mail that indicates the dates that students need to pay. Generally, students have two or three days to pay, but they have to be very attentive to the mail.
- After paying in the bank, students automatically need to send the scanned voucher with the seal and the corresponding payment to the EEAILE mail copying the tutor.
- What is the “institutional account”?
It is an email provided by the UPN to its students enrolled in UPN’s courses, for example: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.. This account is delivered to you the day of your enrolment to the EEAILE. To log in with this account you must use the password given the day of your enrolment. It is necessary to log in in the Gmail server.
- What is the email of the EEAILE?
Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
EEAILE Platform Question
- Do I have a schedule to work?
No because this specialization is based on asynchronous work
- How long is a lesson?
It is a week long
- How many hours do I have to work in the LMS?
Around two hours per day but you must be constant, nevertheless you must be attentive to the activities of the platform.
- When does a new lesson start?
Every Monday you can see the dates on the calendar.
- Where can I ask questions?
If you are having some technical or academic problems, you can post them in the LMS at the support network space. There a virtual teacher will solve your doubts.
- Why is the forum not opened?
The forums open on Wednesday. You can see the date on the calendar.
Grade Questions
- Are the self-quizzes graded?
No, they are not, they are only serve you as a practice for My Progress Tests.
- How many attempts do I have in My Progress Test?
Only two attempts 30 minutes each and the higher score will be graded
- How many attempts do I have in self-quizzes?
As many attempts as you want. Those have no grade.
- Which activities are graded by my tutor?
Final Projects of each module, assignments, forums and the colloquium
Technical matters
- Are the videoconferences compulsory?
Yes, they are because in VC the students discuss the topics seen on the lessons.
- How can I log in at the EEAILE platform?
To be able to log in at the EEAILE platform you need a user which corresponds to your matricula, for example: 18097891. Also the password to log in is your matricula. After the first log you must change your password.
- When the VC are scheduled?
That depends on your classmates and your tutors’ choice. You need to be very attentive to the schedule.